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Image search results - "species"
American Crow
American Goldfinch
American Kestrel
American Robin
American Wigeon male
Bald Eagle
Baltimore Oriole Male
Black Scoters
Black-Capped Chickadee
Blue Jay
Broad-winged Hawk
Brown Thrasher
Brown-headed Cowbird Male
Bufflehead male
Canada Goose
Cedar Waxwings
Chipping Sparrow
Common Grackle
Common Merganser male
Dark-eyed Junco and Northern Cardinal
Double-crested Cormorant
Downy Woodpecker Male
Eastern Bluebird male
Eastern Kingbird
Eastern Phoebe
European Starling
Gray Catbird
Great Blue Heron Nesting Colony
Green Heron
Hairy Woodpecker
House Finch
House Sparrow
House Wren
Mallard Male and Female
Morning Dove
Mute Swan
Northern Cardinal male
Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Purple Finch
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Red-shouldered hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Ring-Billed Gull
Ring-necked Duck male
Rock Pigeon (feral pigeon)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Male
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Stilt Sandpiper
Tree Sparrow
Tree Swallow Female
Tufted Titmouse
Turkey Vulture
White-breasted Nuthatch Male
White-crowned Sparrow
Wild Turkey Tom displaying
Wood Duck Male and Female
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
61 files on 1 page(s)